Cape Town’s hospitality industry suffered a blow when the elegant Tintswalo Atlantic was devastated by the Cape Fires earlier this year. And not only that, the luxury hotel’s 300-year-old milkwood trees were also razed.

But, as quoted by the management of Tintswalo Atlantic, the trick to successful living is to accept change with grace and positivity. The team who built the original hotel has been regrouped to create a fresh new Tintswalo Atlantic – complete with young milkwood trees.

Mother-and-daughter team Gaye Corbett and Lisa Goosen with Caroline Wright from Spatial Concepts are on a mission to fine-comb the country for the finishes and details that make all the difference.

Hand-carved doors that each tell their own story, from the likes of Zanzibar and Robben Island, have already been selected to replace those lost in the fire.



The Tintswalo Atlantic will be returned to its former glory by October this year. We can’t wait to visit!

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