Monday 27 June 7 pm

Alexander Upstairs Theatre

It is always a bad idea to keep secrets, as they always, always emerge when you least expect it.

Those who appreciate a thrill and a little romance, or should I say, a romance gone wrong, will definitely love The Emissary, which is on at Alexander Upstairs Theatre. The drama follows a girl, Delia, who is caught up in a predicament when old wounds resurface and secrets excavate. The show runs for 55 minutes and stars award winning actors, Emily Child and Andrew Laubscher.

When Monday 27 June 2016 at 7 pm (until Saturday 16 July 2016)
Where 78 Strand Street, CBD
Cost R100 (R90 online)
Contact + 27 21 300 1652 or Alexander Upstairs Theatre

Photography courtesy Alexander Upstairs Theatre

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