Combine heights, Halloween, and the quickly approaching darkness of night, and you’ve got yourself the makings of a thrilling adventure. On Saturday 29 October, Cape Canopy Tours hosted a nighttime canopy tour –ziplining from one high point to another attached to a long cable by a harness – at Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve in Elgin.
After arriving for a quick dinner, participants were kitted out in helmets, harnesses, headlamps and warm jackets. An ‘African massage’ followed – it’s not as pleasant as it sounds though; it’s what the folks at Cape Canopy Tours call the bumpy ride you need to take to the starting point of the tour.
The tour consists of 11 zipline cables of different lengths as well as a swing bridge to walk over (the ‘Crown Jewel’ of the tour). Midway, you’re treated to cookies and hot chocolate, providing some compensation for the cold.
Of course, canopy tours are usually done during the day so you’ll be seeing a lot more of the nature reserve’s stunning scenery.
When Daily 8 am – 2 pm
Where Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve, R321, Elgin
Cost R695 per person (R40 discount with a Wild Card)
Contact +27 21 3000 501, [email protected],
Photography Lasse Roed/