Marmite seems to be a consistent part of South Africans’ conversations, whether we’re debating why we love or hate it or trying to figure out where it disappeared to for two years.
But then Marmite came crashing back into our lives after its hiatus and was put back on shelves, sending waves of joy and familiarity through Mzansi.
Also read: Savoury spread Marmite back on the shelves after two-year hiatus
When the savoury spread originally returned, stocks were still low and there were limits on how many jars customers could buy.
Now the spread is easily available, and Marmite reminds us of its simple existence by gently nudging us to head to the shops for the country’s most loved and hated spread.
In a recent Facebook post, Marmite South Africa stated that their Marmite is back in stores, and is exactly the same.
In a subtle social media rebranding, Marmite South Africa calls the restocked spread “new and UNimproved.”
Also read: The once lost soldier of SA, marmite finds new career path on TikTok
Much to Marmite lovers’ delight and Marmite haters’ dismay, the spread can be easily found in stores now, with the same original, iconic taste.
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Picture: Instagram / @marmite_sa