With 2022 just around the corner, we are still navigating an uncertain world. One thing that remains constant is the importance of self-care, and what better place to start than to familiarise yourself with the top trends to consider for the year ahead?
From ingestible beauty to medical grade solutions and the growing importance of cruelty-free products, Toni Carroll founder of award-winning premium beauty supplement brand, My Beauty Luv, outlines the hottest trends taking the industry by storm.
Nutricosmetics are here to stay – with a focus on quality
Although nutricosmetics hit the marketplace in the 1980s, they are now on the brink of a major revolution. “Ingestible beauty is the future… Check the ingredients to ensure you get the best,” Carroll advises.
Expect more plant-derived (rather than laboratory-created) ingredients
“New scientific methods for testing, extracting and processing plant-derived ingredients like chlorophyll are now available… [but] make sure there’s enough research backing your beauty choices,” Carroll says.
Homecare solutions will continue to grow
At-home skincare was a necessity in 2020 and 2021, and it’s not going away. The game-changer will be medical aesthetic professional skincare brands (that you can only purchase through your clinic or salon) offering medical-grade solutions that consumers can use at home.
Kindness is essential
Vegan skincare and beauty were the fastest-growing category within beauty for 2021. Even consumers who are not eating a vegan diet identify with the ‘cleaner, kinder, gentler’ philosophy.
Some beauty staples become mainstays of comfort
Ingredients move in and out of fashion all the time, but Vitamin E, for instance, is used in base formulas for the vast majority of skincare brands.
More discerning beauty choices
People are becoming far more discerning in their beauty choices. “With the sheer volume of skincare brands available and the unbelievable choices we have today as consumers, most people have more skincare products today than ever before, but they’re focusing on quality,” Carroll explains.
Anti-stress is the new anti-ageing
Some ranges are focusing on anti-stress rather than anti-ageing, but the two are very intertwined. As Carroll says, “Beauty has become more holistic, which is a very good thing, as we start to understand the connection between stress and ageing. It will continue to grow and brands will start to evolve too, to accommodate this awakening.”
Skin protectors take centre stage – but don’t be fooled by blue-light promises
SPFs and other skin protectors have been firm favourites for a while now, and people are starting to pay attention to blue-light damage from screens too. “It is a while off, but the company that invents a topical, practical solution that stops blue-light penetrating the dermal layers will completely revolutionise the industry,” Carroll adds.
The ‘skinification’ of hair
“Quite a few trailblazing products are making scalp care sexy,” Carroll says. These new treatments are also transforming popular favourites, like Brazilian blowouts and other typical ‘hair beautifying’ treatments, to be safer, cleaner and greener.
The year crafted bacteria really takes off
Carroll believes firmly that the future of all beauty and health will be carefully crafted, unique bacteria strains. “Not the half-dead ones you purchase as probiotics on the shelves, but live, edible cultured bacteria done in the comfort of your own home. We will literally be eating our beauty products.”
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