Probiotics seem to be a buzzword of late, and for good reason. Probiotics are live microorganisms that have countless health benefits. If you can get past the fact that you are literally consuming live bacteria, these helpful critters improve your body’s digestive health, reduce depression and keep your heart healthy.
While popping a few supplements is a great way to get in your probiotics, chowing on fermented foods is an excellent alternative. Here are six probiotic-rich foods that are good for you:
Drink up, because Kefir is good for you. This fermented probiotic milk drink helps protect against infections and helps with digestive problems. The drink was said to have developed in the northern Caucasus Mountains and is derived from the Turkish word keyif, which means “feeling good” after eating. You’ll definitely feel great after gulping down a glass of this fermented drink, as it contains several major strains of friendly bacteria and yeast, making it a potent probiotic brew. It’s also the perfect drink for those who are lactose-intolerant.
This spicy fermented Korean side dish has gained some notoriety in recent years. While the main ingredient is cabbage, it can be made with a range of fermented vegetables, which is flavoured with red chilli flakes, garlic, ginger and salt – adding a zesty flavour to any meal. Kimchi famously contains the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus kimchii and is an excellent source of vitamin K, B2 and iron.
Here’s some good news for pickle-lovers, aka gherkin enthusiasts. Thanks to the pickled solution of salt, water and fermentation, the natural lactic acid bacteria contained in this vegetable creates the perfect environment for healthy probiotic bacteria to grow. If you’re looking to improve your digestive health, munching on pickles is a great idea! They are also a good source of vitamin K, which is a nutrient used during blood clotting.
This delicious side dish is popular in many countries and is considered one of the oldest traditional foods. Sauerkraut is finely cut cabbage that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria and adds a sour, salty taste to any dish. Along with its incredible probiotic qualities, it’s also an excellent source of vitamins C, B and K.
Kombucha is a fermented and sweetened green or black tea that’s great for getting in those probiotics. This tasty drink is having a glorious moment right now, but that may be because it’s said to have countless health benefits. While not much research has dived into the health benefits of kombucha, because it is fermented with bacteria and yeast, it most likely provides the health benefits of probiotics.
Looking for a delicious snack that also contains probiotics? Yoghurt is made from fermented milk and is brimming with friendly bacteria. It’s an excellent source if you’re looking to take advantage of all the amazing benefits of probiotics. Unfortunately, not all yoghurts are created equally, so make sure that you choose a yoghurt with active or live cultures. Keep in mind that certain yoghurt brands also contain added sugar, and checking the nutritional label is always a great idea.
Picture: Unsplash
Read Also: Listen here, Brew, Kombucha is good for you!