Our mountain burns, as do our hearts and minds in worry about all those we love, including our animals. Our own beloved critters, the Mr Whiskers and Fluffys of our neighbours, and even wild animals straight out of National Geographic should not be forgotten in these times of turbulence.

Help is in the knowing, and so we have some easy and quick guidelines and hotlines, for both pet owners as well as those who may come across a deer in firelights, largely thanks to the Animal Welfare Society and the SPCA.

1. An infographic on some NBs regarding pets and evacuation

2. Further advice for pet-owners

  • Close all windows and doors to limit smoke and ash from getting into the home.
  • If you are transporting your pet in a cage or enclosure, take a blanket or towel along with you to protect your animal from the smoke. 
  • Remember that some boarding facilities may request vaccine certificates, so ensure they are packed into your disaster kit. 
  • Although taking dry food is recommended, you can also take along other treats for your pet to help soothe the anxiety and distress they may experience.

3. Advice for anyone who finds a burnt, injured or displaced animal

  • CALL: Animal Welfare Hotline on 082 601 1761 or SPCA 0833261604
  • Place the animal in a cardboard box that can be covered, to help calm the friend down. Only do this if it is safe!
  • Seek urgent veterinary treatment if it is safe and possible for both you and the animal.
  • Check their collar (if they have one) and let the owner know their animal is safe.

4. For a pet that has gone missing

CALL: Inspectorate Controller on 021 692 2626

5. For finding a wild animal who may need some help

  • Capturing and keeping of wild animals by laypersons, no matter how good the intention may be is NOT recommended.
  • “Rather entrust their rescue, treatment, rehabilitation and release to permitted experts.”
  • What you can do however, is take a photograph of the animal and record your GPS coordinates so that help can find them 
  • Contact the Animal Welfare Hotline on 082 601 1761

6. How to help the animal shelters in the Cape right now

  • If you can, the animal shelters in our city need:
  • Dressings
  • Bandages, Silbecor
  • Ointment and woolpacks
  • Fresh fruit and veggies for some animals
  • As well as energy drinks and bars for volunteers
  • Eyedrops too for the team in the field

We all need kindness and help right now, from the strongest firefighter to the smallest mouse. After all, kindness and help no matter the magnitude, are never wasted.

Picture: Unsplash

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