Despite City regulations and the plea to the public for calm, fireworks are bound to be discharged on New Year’s eve. To animals, fireworks are terrifying and what is known to be a nightmare instead of a celebration.
The Cape of Good Hope SPCA kindly reminds pet owners of their responsibility to keep their pets safe and comfortable and also advise that they:
- Ensure all animals have identification; preferably a micro-chip, or at least with a dog tag. Without identification, reuniting lost pets with their owners will be hard.
- Please stay at home with your pets.
- Bring your pets inside and give them access to a room that is safe and secure – create a small den for them with blankets, pillows and a favourite toy.
- Try and mask any noise by drawing the curtains and playing calming music.
- Put familiar and comforting things around them.
- Give your pets a nutritious and balanced meal – this is likely to make them more sleepy.
- Give them something to chew on – a chewy bone or catnip toys for cats.
If your pet has a bad reaction to fireworks, seek help from a local veterinarian who may then prescribe a sedative (do not give them anything meant for humans).
The increase in alcohol consumption at this time of year increases the risk of incidents of animal cruelty. The SPCA’s Inspectorate will be on standby throughout the night and will be assisting at the CoCT Joint Operation Centre stationed in Goodwood.
Please report distressed and injured stray animals and cruelty to animals by calling 0833261604. Complaints relating to the discharge of fireworks must be directed to the City of Cape Town by calling 0215961999.
“We expect a spike in admissions following New Year’s celebrations, if your pet goes missing, please call us on 0217004166 or submit your missing pet report here–found-form“, says the Cape of Good Hope SPCA.
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Picture: Unsplash