The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) is investigating a shooting incident involving a police officer attached to the Cape Town Central SAPS. According to IPID, the officer was driving his private vehicle to work with two other occupants at Mew Way Rd in Khayelitsha on Tuesday, October 12, when he was involved in an attempted hijacking.
IPID spokesperson Grace Langa indicated that the officer was then approached by four gun-wielding males who attempted to hijack his vehicle whilst pointing firearms in his direction.
” He then fired shots at the male who was standing on the driver’s side and he also fired shots to the other males’ suspects that were also attempting to hijack him at the traffic intersection,” Langa said.
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Langa confirmed that one suspect was declared dead on the scene and the other male suspect died at Khayelitsha day hospital, while two other suspects fled from the scene and are still at large. She said the deceased was later identified as a 19 and a 20-year-old resident of Island Informal Settlement in Khayelitsha. Two imitations firearms were also found from the deceased.
Meanwhile, the City of Cape Town (COCT) says it has increased its overall safety and security budget by 55% in the 2021/22 financial year as part of efforts to boost crime-fighting. The COCT confirmed that between 2019 and 2023, the city and the provincial government will invest R1,7 billion to increase law enforcement resources in crime hotspots around the city.
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Picture: Cape{town} Etc gallery