In an extraordinary rescue that speaks volumes about the dedication of the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa (AWS SA), a Guinea fowl was safely freed from a car grill after surviving a remarkable journey, Cape {town} Etc reports.
The bird, wedged tightly into the front grill of a VW Caravelle, had somehow endured a drive from Durbanville to Philippi without sustaining significant injuries. How the Guinea Fowl ended up in such a confined space and emerged with its feathers intact remains a mystery.
The driver, understandably shocked by the unusual passenger, called the AWS SA Inspectorate for assistance. The rescue operation, described as both delicate and intricate, required the help of a local mechanic who disassembled the front of the vehicle to free the bird.
‘Our inspectors are nothing short of legendary when it comes to handling challenging rescues,’ the AWS SA posted on Facebook. ‘This particular case showcased their patience and ingenuity, as well as their unwavering commitment to animal welfare.’
The Guinea Fowl, now under observation, is being monitored for signs of latent stress to ensure it doesn’t suffer any delayed trauma from its ordeal.
AWS SA used the opportunity to remind the public to report any animals in distress or wildlife incidents to their Inspectorate. Whether it’s a bird in a car grill or other emergencies, their team is always ready to help.
To report wildlife or animals in need, contact:
- Inspectorate (Office Hours): 021 692 2626
- After Hours: 082 601 1761
- Email: [email protected]
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Picture: AWS SA / Facebook