As humans, our creative genius can be expressed in various forms. Painting, writing, singing, wearing a fake arm to fool health workers into giving you a vaccine certificate, and cooking.
According to EWN, an Italian man decided to use his creative genius to manipulate the system by presenting health workers with a fake arm in order to get his COVID vaccine – and with it- his coronavirus vaccine certificate.
Despite the super realistic skin colour, the limb was a little too silicone. The 50-year-old was subsequently reported and arrested by local authorities.
“Ridiculous” was one word used to describe the incident. The head of the Piedmont regional government, Albert Cirio, labelled the act as “unacceptable faced with the sacrifice that our entire community has paid during the pandemic, in terms of human lives, the social and economic cost.”
As national governments attempt to do what they can to stop the spread of the new variant Omicron, tighter measures around the unvaccinated have taken place across Europe. On Monday, Italy implemented tighter restrictions on those who have yet to receive their vaccine.
A “Green Pass” showing proof of vaccination, recent recovery from COVID or a negative test have been required to move about in the European nation and enjoy small conveniences such as indoor dining in restaurants, visiting museums, cinemas, theatres and attending sporting events.
Meanwhile, Germany recently announced that they would be implementing vaccination measures that would make it mandatory for all German citizens to receive their COVID-19 jab.
Read More:
Germany implements lockdown for the unvaccinated with mandatory jabs on the cards
Picture: Cape {town} Etc Gallery