Many of us know the feeling – you’ve been home from work for a few blissful hours when you check your phone only to see a handful, or a boatload of text messages and or emails from the last person you’d want to write you – your boss.
The solution? Consider moving to Portugal as they have recently announced a very appealing law.
Portugal has recently made world news by banning ‘bosses’ from sending text messages and/or emailing employees outside working hours as part of new laws dubbed “right to rest”.
As the BBC reports – the move is part of changes being introduced to improve work-life balance in response to an expansion of working from home in the country.
Naturally, COVID-19 had a huge role to play in this progressive step.
This means that companies with more than 10 staff members are at risk of fines should they be reported to contact employees outside of their working hours.
Additionally, the law is introducing new rules on allowing staff with children to work remotely.
“Parents will be allowed to work at home indefinitely without seeking prior approval from their employers until their child turns eight,” according to the BBC.
And companies may also have to contribute to higher household bills from being based at home too including electricity and internet costs.
However, it wasn’t a complete win-win, as some elements of the decision were not approved by Portugal’s parliament, as EuroNews reports. One such element includes a “right to disconnect” which allows staff to turn off all any work related-devices out of hours.
But, it is stipulated that employers are forbidden from monitoring their employees while working from home – something which anyone who has felt the wrath of their bosses’ all knowing gaze knows too well.
Picture: Unsplash