Good news for motorists and pedestrians in the CBD – Transport for Cape Town (TCT) is embarking on a R6.5 million project to upgrade traffic signal timing at 110 intersections, as well as introducing new pedestrian sign control. The project, which will be implemented over the next eight months, will be aimed at reducing delays and improving safety – two things can really get behind.
Traffic signal timing will be reviewed and improved in accordance with current traffic patterns, to alleviate delays wherever possible. A remote monitoring system will be implemented for improved fault detection and response, and intersections themselves will be synchronised via GPS.
As for pedestrians… Current signalling can be annoying (for motorists and those on foot) when turning vehicles are given right of way simultaneously with pedestrians. This results in competition for the same road space, not to mention safety issues. TCT hopes to overhaul this system after trialling a new one in which cars are kept stationary while pedestrians are shown the green man. The new system will be tested on Long and Loop street, from Strand to Wale.
Councillor Brett Heron, the Mayoral Committee Member for Transport for Cape Town, says, ‘This project will further our commitment to building an efficient and well-run city in which residents spend less time on our roads and where pedestrian safety is paramount.’
Photography Andreas Eiselen/