Do you remember a time when you had to hop in your car and actually drive to your favourite fast food place or the store?
These days, a burger is only a click away with technology making it far too easy to kick back and munch on your favourite meal. The need to avoid crowds and stay home thanks to COVID, has unsurprisingly, seen South Africans reach for their phones more frequently. And thanks to the latest Year in Review report from Uber Eats, we now know what South Africans have been spending their hard-earned cash on.
So, just what have South Africans been clicking on? Washing powder and ice, apparently.
According to the food delivery service, around 2700 kg of washing powder was ordered from the app this year, with more than 40 000 bags of ice also making a feature on the report.
There’s no denying that 2021 was a tough year, so to add a little sunshine and some colour, customers appeared to grab flowers – white roses to be precise. The biggest combination, however, was the thirst and hunger-busting combination of Coca Cola and chicken racking up more than 16 000 orders, reports Business Insider.
But the surprise winner of the report goes to one customer who put all his (or her) faith in the app by ordering over 700 individual items worth R15 000 – the largest order in the country this year.
Another winning combination? Avocado.
“We predict avocado will remain our favourite toast companion,” the company said in the report.
We don’t know about you, but as lazy food-lovers, we’re looking forward to finding out what 2022 has in store for us.
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Picture: Unsplash