Good morning, Cape {town} Etc family. Here is your weather forecast for today, 22 October.
Today’s weather in Cape Town features a high of 25°C with an evening low of 15°C.
Also read: Widespread water supply disruptions expected in Cape Town this week
The UV index is forecasted to reach an unhealthy level of 10.
Expect 26% cloud cover throughout the day and 44% in the evening.
A south-southeasterly wind will travel through the Cape at a speed of 19kph, with gusts reaching speeds of 57kph.
In the evening, wind from the same direction may be expected at 13kph, gusting at 46kph.
You can catch the sunrise at 5:56am and the sunset at 7:06pm.
No rain is forecasted for Cape Town today.
Have a wonderful Tuesday.
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Picture: Pexels / Niklas Eichler