When you pay hard-earned Randelas for car insurance, you expect a certain standard of quality. Actually no – you deserve it. If your current provider isn’t exactly revving your engine, you’re well within your rights to tell them to hit the road.
Here are some of the signs that it’s time to switch gears on your car insurance provider.
Bad customer service experience
Long waiting periods, unanswered emails, rude support staff… You shouldn’t have to deal with bad customer service.
Switch to an insurer who actually cares about you and your vehicle. dotsure.co.za handles everything from dealing with the Road Accident Fund for you to delivering your licence on time – with a smile!
Nightmare claim lodgings
When you need to contact your insurer, they should be able to process your claim promptly – it shouldn’t be unnecessarily prolonged.
At dotsure.co.za, they don’t believe in making you wait. In fact, once all relevant documents have been received, their average motor claims turnaround time is five days. There’s a reason why they’re one of South Africa’s top-rated insurers
*As rated on Hellopeter.com at time of sending for publication.
Inconvenient website
A business with a bad website… in this day and age? Eish. If you can’t find all the necessary information online, then don’t even bother. Rather switch to a provider that lives in this century!
dotsure.co.za also offers policyholders access to an innovative 24/7 Manage Portal. It’s easy to use and even easier to understand, and you can do everything from getting quotes to downloading docs – all online!
Your situation changes
Switching to a new provider can sometimes be the result of your previous insurer not providing the cover you need or enforcing specific policy terms and conditions which you cannot comply with.
If any of these problems sound familiar, you need to change insurance providers… as in yesterday! From car insurance at a price you pick with Name Your Price™, to superfast claims payouts, choose dotsure.co.za and get everything you wished car insurance could be – all online, anytime.
Quote online now with one of SA’s best insurers, simply designed and built for our fans by the world’s most customer-obsessed teams.
Dotsure Limited (Registration number 2006/000723/06) is a licensed non-life insurer and authorised financial services provider (FSP39925).
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Picture/s: Supplied