Studio Ghibli movies: Explore the wonders of Japanese anime Studio Ghibli has been gently revolutionising the animation world since 1985 and is one...
Meet the top international animation creators joining the CTIAF line-up South African animators and digital creators will get a rare glimpse behind the scenes...
SA’s winning streak: Locally-directed animation wins International Emmy Bringing home yet another accolade, The Smeds and the Smoos has won the International...
SA animation industry finds spotlight on global stage with local productions Growing up, the film and animation industries played a tremendous role in storytelling, representation...
Check out the winning animations from the #AnimateCT challenge The inaugural #AnimateCT Challenge drew to a close last week, having drawn an electric...
#AnimateCT offers an ‘unexpected’ visual feast of the Mother City Lights, camera, animate! The Mother City is buzzing with excitement as the Cape Town...
Cape Town celebrates African animators at International Animation Festival The animation industry is a global powerhouse that impacts the world in countless ways,...
Netflix and CT animation festival partner-up to strengthen investment in African animation The Cape Town International Animation Festival (CTIAF) and Netflix, the world’s leading entertainment streaming...
Creating bridges of opportunity for a new generation of African animation An innovative new project to develop an African animation series has been established by...
African women in animation are taking the stage An award-winning South African company, Triggerfish is working to grow and showcase the involvement...