In photos: Turner Adams’s tattooed body told more than one story Picture and words: Brenton Geach / Groundup It was in 2003, while photographing the devastating...
Suspected UK drug mule abandons bail application The 70-year-old British national who was arrested at Cape Town International Airport with R600...
Acsa welcomes arrest of 70-year-old drug mule at CT International The Airports Company SA (Acsa) has applauded the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks)...
8-year-old child tests positive for cocktail of hard drugs An eight-year-old from Elsies River has tested positive for a concoction of hard drugs...
Senior smuggler caught with R600k in tik at Cape Town Airport The Hawks arrested a 70-year-old man at the Cape Town International Airport on Thursday...
Milnerton police arrest Mandrax and cocaine drug dealers Milnerton police arrested two suspects for the illegal possession of drugs in Milnerton on...
Traffic officers seize 50 000 mandrax tablets worth R3m The Western Cape provincial traffic officers were able to seize over 50 000 mandrax...
Hundreds arrested as city clamps down on drunk driving Despite a slight decrease in week-on-week numbers, city law enforcement agencies still made nearly...
Kilos of dagga and drugs worth thousands confiscated by SAPS Members of the SAPS confiscated kilos of dagga and other illegal drugs on Friday...
Tuck shop owner due in court for shooting two teenagers A tuck shop owner in Parkwood who is accused of shooting and killing one...