Spring has arrived and why not further celebrate it with Arbor week? A season known for change, so join in on making a change within the environment. Get digging and working those green thumbs by planting some trees.
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In essence, National Arbor Week (1-7 September) serves to promote awareness around the need to plant and maintain indigenous trees throughout South Africa.
Arbor Day was first introduced to South Africa in 1982. South Africans love the concept so much that we’ve gone from having an Arbor Day to hosting a full Arbor week in the first week of September annually.
Why you should plant a tree?
Trees are not only beautiful and providers of much-needed shade, they also play an important role in absorbing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and in return, providing life-giving oxygen to us.
Without a doubt, as human populations grow and cities expand, vast open fields are fast becoming a concrete jungle – the urban population in Africa alone is predicted to double by 2030.
Some of the other reasons to plant trees are that they improve the quality of soil and its capacity for water retention, they provide food and shelter to wildlife too.
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How to celebrate Arbor Week?
1. Plant a tree at home
Why not choose a good spot in your garden and then plant a tree? Turn the occasion into a little ceremony with your family. Kids will love watching your tree grow, and you can use the occasion to teach them about how trees help to clean the air. There’s a certain magic in watching a tree you planted with your own hands grow over the years.

2. Sponsor a tree to be planted
Don’t have any space at home? Donate a tree to a school, or contact any one of the amazing tree-planting organisations out there who, for a small donation, will make sure that a tree is planted in your name. Food & Trees for Africa, Save our Planet – Plant a Tree and Greenpop are among the many wonderful organisations that you could check out.
If every human can get involved and become an environmental steward then together we can make our landscapes and urbans more greener, and there are ample ways you can make a difference. Don’t just count trees, make them count!
Also read:
4 unique nurseries in Cape Town for all kinds of green thumbs
Picture: Unsplash