Law Enforcement making their presence known around Cape Town The Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen, has commended...
Stage 2 loadshedding announced following a shortage in generation capacity The power utility, Eskom announced on Friday that it will implement a stage two...
Cape sporting federations receive a much needed financial boost The provincial minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais has handed over funding...
Capetonians have one more day to get counted in the 2022 census Statistics South Africa will continue to collect census data from households in the Western...
The search continues for the missing 2-month-old Bishop Lavis baby It has been almost a whole two weeks since the two-month-old baby Kai-isha Meniers...
SA Post Offices will no longer issue the R350 grant payments The South African Post Office (Sapo) confirmed that it will no longer pay beneficiaries...
Mbalula to meet with Langa residents on the relocation of illegal settlements on the Central Line The Minister of Transport, Fikile Mbalula, will be visiting the Central Line on Thursday,...
Stage 2 loadshedding implemented again Eskom announced on Thursday that it will implement a stage two loadshedding from 5...
Cape Town pupil arrested after police discover a firearm at school A 19-year-old learner from a school in Claremont has been arrested for the possession...
Power outages continue to affect train operations in the Western Cape Metrorail in the Western Cape has advised commuters to make alternative arrangements as a...