It’s New Year’s Day and resolutions are all we’re thinking of. Some might want to lose a few kilos while others would love to be more organised. Whatever your ‘new year, new me’ looks like, here are a few steps to help you along your way.
But let’s face it, starting something new always feels like an uphill battle, and usually what keeps us from building healthy habits or prioritising ‘me-time’ always sounds a lot like “there’s just not enough time”, “it’s too cold to exercise”, and the list goes on.
While it’s valid that sometimes there just isn’t time for many of the things we set out to do, the bigger question is will there ever be enough time? This reality leads to creating time around your current schedule, figuring out what you can shift around, and working with the resources you have.
Decide what the focus point will be
What would you like to include in your new routine? Perhaps getting in more exercise, reading more often, or just having some alone time. Once you decide on what your focus will be, you can plan around it.
Set realistic goals
If you have an around-the-clock job, it might not be the best idea to dedicate five days to doing what you set out to because you’ll burn yourself out. Start small and try not to take on too much too soon. If you goal is to eat healthier meals, then try to change one thing at a time by adding vegetables to your meals once a week and building from thereon.
Get organised
It can seem overwhelming when you have all these goals set out but they are floating around in your mind. So try writing down a set plan that you have in front of you, which you can pin to on your fridge or leave in your bedroom. Diarise what you set out to achieve each day and hold yourself accountable to it.
Preparation is key
Ensure that you have all of the tools at your disposal before you begin a new routine. If your goal is to clean your house every weekend at 9am, then make sure you have the cleaning equipment needed to carry out the task. If you find yourself running to the shop to get what you need at the last minute, you might lose the motivation to get the job done.
Track your progress
Create a visual calendar that you can mark off whenever you’ve complete a task. Most people are driven by not wanting to see a missing spot on their calendar, so this is a great tool for accountability and to ensure that you remain consistent.
Be kind and reward yourself
If you have fallen into a consistent routine, reward yourself for the effort made. If you have been exercising for three months while implementing healthy habits, reward yourself with a sweet treat every now and then. Be kind yourself while you’re on this journey.
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Picture: Pexels