Look! A caracal and a catch, what’s for breakfast? Blessed are we to receive yet another sighting of the shy caracal. These majestic...
Look! Caracal seen strolling the busy streets of Cape Town The Mother City has been called many things, including a nature lover’s paradise. From...
Caracal hit by car and left for dead recovers and is released A male caracal was taken to the Belmont Veterinary Hospital after being hit by...
Look! Resident captures “best encounter” with a caracal in 43 years There’s nothing like starting the week with some stunning wildlife and Fanie Kloppers has...
Look! A caracal sitting pretty on Chapman’s Peak Drive Another exciting snap of a caracal has been captured in Cape Town. This time,...
WATCH: CT’s famous Caracal kittens were spotted and they have grown Cape Town welcomed two new arrivals of its largest remaining predator, as two Caracal...