Dis-Chem Pharmacies has imposed a moratorium on the appointment of white staff in the company from 19 September, after a recent review of its employment equity profile proved that the JSE-listed pharmaceutical retailer’s efforts to effect transformation in terms of its employee profile remain inadequate.
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In a memo by the CEO of Dis-Chem, Ivan Saltzman, he explains that the company expressed concern over its employment equity profile.
Saltzman added, “It is evident that our organisation’s efforts to effect transformation in terms of our employee profile remain inadequate in spite of the Regionals making some inroads.
“Remember, we are growing at a fast rate and a few appointments other than white don’t cut it. It’s the ratio between white and black that counts.
“So, when no suitable black candidate is found and a white is appointed, we need several blacks just to maintain the status quo, never mind moving forward.”
The JSE-listed pharmaceutical retailer must comply with the Employment Equity Act which has been increased to a maximum of R2.7 million or 10% of annual turnover, whichever is greater, in fines for repeat offenders of noncompliance.
Dis-Chem told News24 that the memo still stood on Friday. They also said the company wanted to reiterate its commitment to achieving equality and diversity and would continue to make strides in the transformation area.
Trade union Solidarity has expressed its outrage and sent a legal letter to Dis-Chem which has since been withdrawn.
Its believed that Saltzman sent a racial letter to his management team – “There are too many whites and no whites may be appointed or promoted.” – “No appointments are to be made on a managerial level without the CEO’s direct approval”
The letter also stated that managers who reached their employment equity targets would be rewarded as part of their bonus structure and attaining the target comprised of at least a third of their key performance areas.
People are calling for shoppers to boycott Dis-Chem after the memo from Saltzman to his management team was leaked:
Ivan Saltzman CEO van Dischem het aan bestuur harde rasbrief geskryf. Daar is te veel wittes en geen wittes mag aangestel of bevorder word nie. Solidariteit het regsbrief geskryf. Brief is eg, maar hul het teruggetrek. Hoe op dees aarde is daar in eerste plek so brief geskryf? pic.twitter.com/FQsCaK8D1n
— Dirk Hermann (@SolidariDirk) October 13, 2022
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