This spectacular show recreates the magic of Bryan Adams‘ legendary Wembley Stadium concert, where...
Located on Simon’s Bay’s shores in False Bay, on the eastern side of the...
A humpback whale was spotted off the coast of Simon’s Town yesterday, according to...
Returning after an almost six-year absence, the Ceres Rail Company is excited to announce...
On Thursday, 29 February, NSRI Simon’s Town duty crew responded to a fisherman who...
Dewald van der Westhuizen (26), a cyclist from Simon’s Town is on a challenging...
Update: 20 December, 5:30pm Firefighters are still battling the blaze in Simon’s Town which...
If you’re a foodie looking for a culinary adventure, the leafy suburb of Constantia...
One of the oldest towns in South Africa, Simon’s Town is rich in history...
Dubbed the biggest awards show of the year, Kfm 94.5 invited the people of Cape Town to...