National Police Minister, General Bheki Cele will visit two of Cape Town’s most notorious gang-ridden areas on Thursday, 17 March.
Cele’s visit to the Mother City comes after more than 15 people have been gunned down in these two areas in the past week. 10 people were killed in gang-related incidents in Manenberg while five people were gunned down in Khayelitsha’s Endlovini informal settlement on Monday.
The Minister will host two Street Izimbizos in the respective areas where he will engage communities to strengthen the working relations between the police and community members who remain an integral part of the overall fight against crime.
The first gathering will start at 10 am at the new Monwabisi Park, Endlovini Khayelitsha and the second one at 2 pm in Heideveld street, Manenberg. The Street Izimbizo will also provide the South African Police Service with an opportunity to update the residents on some of the operational measures that the SAPS has put in place to ensure the areas are stabilised and there’s an increase police footprint to maintain law and order.
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Meanwhile, police are still searching for the gunmen who killed five people n Khayelitsha on Monday. According to police spokesperson, Brigadier Novela Potelwa, police reports indicated that unknown gunmen approached shacks located at the informal settlement and fired shots.
“A woman and four men were as a result killed. The victims, who are yet to be identified are estimated [to be] between the ages of 25 and 35, “Potelwa said.
Potelwa went on to say that organised crime detectives are investigating the murders and crime experts are still scouring the scene where the murders took place.
Anyone with information that could assist the investigation is urged to contact the police on 08600 10111.
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Picture: Cape {town} Etc gallery